Sardinia_Moving_Arts è un ambizioso progetto ideato da Musicare per esportare la Sardegna nel mondo attraverso lo sguardo di autori e interpreti. Un viaggio nel quale esporteremo atmosfere e colori della nostra terra in tre diversi continenti grazie alla collaborazione di società di concerti e enti organizzatori di eventi facenti parte del network di contatti che Musicare ha avuto modo di costruire in oltre vent’anni di esperienza.
Il progetto è interamente finanziato dalla Regione Autonoma della Sardegna e dalla Comunità Europea (ondo Europeo di Sviluppo Regionale Identity LAB_2 POR FESR SARDEGNA 2014-2020)

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Thanks to twenty years of experience in event planning in the field of classical music, Musicare is today able to organize an event between Europe, the United States of America and Australia, promoting the excellence of Sardinian artists with international artistic careers in performance, discography and songwriting.

Musicare, in this unprecedented journey that will unfold in some of the most important international capitals (from Madrid to Paris, from New York to Sydney, from Berlin to London), is able to include as part of the project the writing of new original works, commissioning them from world-famous contemporary authors such as Leo Brouwer (1939), Angelo Gilardino (1941) and Mark Delpriora (1959), as well as young and talented Sardinian authors. The same works, written specifically for Sardegna_Moving_Arts and all dedicated to art, translation and the most evocative places on the island, will be performed for the first time in very high level contexts including the prestigious Carnegie Hall in New York.
Together with the musical side, the theatrical scene will be flanked by an original play by the Sassari artist Stefania Masala, a former partner on Giorgio Albertazzi’s stage in London, in a highly artistic context.
Finally, the publication of a record releases is envisaged, which will include all the original works written for the event. This publication will be followed by the paper and ebook format of the planned play.
Sardinia_Moving_Arts is a unique event of its kind, built on the idea of a refined and profound enhancement of the artistic heritage of Sardinia. This valorization is aimed at contemporary figures working in the field of art (musicians, actors, composers, concert performers) at an international level and whose roles, within the project, guarantees the cultural export of the island’s image.
Sardinian cultural and identity values are, in fact, the protagonists of the whole project: Sardinian musicians with performances and recordings that will bring to important international circuits original musics by Sardinian authors of the 20th and/or 21st century; Sardinian and non Sardinian composers who will write new musical pieces inspired by the contemporary or past artistic realities of the island; the same music will be performed in areas of absolute prestige thanks to the cooperation of organizations and concert companies; original plays, written specifically for the purpose of exporting absolute originality.
Add to this the invaluable added value offered by Musicare, consisting in its extensive network of collaborators in Europe and the United States with whom it has been organizing events of a global scale for years.